Archives for the month of: July, 2008

July 11, 2008 – Saturday; airconditioner on. We are taking care of a rescue pug chiuahua for Nicole, Lucy’s mom (the black pug). Katrina, who is a friend of Nicole’s rescued Lila (new name for dog) and is coming today to dog sit while Bill and I go out.

Last night I googled potty training instructions for the dog, and we all are doing much better. The trick is to sprinkle salt on the wet spots and the salt pulls it up, but before we turned into a Biblical looking landscape, I googled advice.

She’s very sweet, and I’ll post a few pictures. She has a light cough, and I hope it’s nothing serious. She meets her new owner hopefuly Thursday, but meanwhile we are on dog duty!

Tomorrow July 9th, is a very special day, The Martyrdom of the Bab, the precursor and independent Prophet/Manifesation, who commenced the Baha’i era. The Bab means gate, and the Bab came after the end of the Islamic era, which marked the end of prophecy, and this era, marked the beginning of the unfoldment of prophecy for humanity. The Bab’s Ministry, like Jesus’ was very short. He was martyred on July 9th; and 20,000 of His followers were slaughtered, and then Baha’u’llah, whom the Bab referred to as “Him whom God shall make manifest,” announced his station in 183, having received it in 1850 while He was imprisoned in a cistern under the city of Tehran, imprisoned in chains of 200 pounds. It is a moment in history people are becoming aware of. Check out Baha’ if interested.

May post a pic of Liz and myself, or my twin Elizabeth. Only I called her Liz. A friend photoshopped it; nice! might put other pics up now; not sure; am working on my book Writing on the Fly, editing, final stuff, but probably will have two or more more edits later. The putting out of a book requires a lot of work, but I am impelled, compelled. Bill listens to the NewsHour, and i have to mail a friend who was evacuated from her home in the mountains near Chico; are they mountains are just huge hills. Hmmm; how hard.

Lucy the black pug’s mom is adopting another pug possibly, and we will house sit this little one for a week and then hook up with Lucy’s mom. She was not picked up and has been in the pound and quite sad; my heart goes out to little animals in the pound. It’s not Pasadena’s Pound; somehow i think that’s better. But kind people are working very quickly to help this little pug out, and i may be a Pug Nanny again!

Tmorrow night, the little pug will have had surgery and then be brought to our house until Nicole returns from her travels. We will love her and spoil her and be relieved when she feels better on all levels. They are going to name her Lila! She’s fawn.